► Florida Bar Morons support law license for illegal immigrant Print E-mail
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Florida Bar Morons support law license for illegal immigrant

The morons (my apologies to morons) sitting on the Florida State Bar recently decided that Jose Godinez-Samperio, an illegal immigrant should be granted a law license. The State Board of Bar Examiners claimed that it wants an advisory opinion from the Supreme Court of Florida before it issues a final decision and awards a law license to Jose.
It is well settled U.S. Law (ca. 1994) that the Florida Bar is prohibited from providing a law license to an illegal immigrant. Apparently, the buffoons at the State Bar are incapable of understanding that federal law on immigration matters is not optional.
The State Bar cannot claim that there is a shortage of lawyers in Florida that can only be overcome by licensing illegal immigrants. Facts regarding attorney rates in Florida can be found at:
Florida Attorney Workforce Infestation Rate
Since the Florida Bar has a history of voting to allow dishonest, incompetent and sleazy lawyers like Jose Baez to retain their licenses, it isn’t surprising that they would support granting law licenses to illegal immigrants.
This is just another fine example of a State Bar that is more interested in increasing their numbers then in assuring that its members comply with the law.
Once Jose gets his law license from the State Bar there’s nothing to prevent him from obtaining an appointment to a judgeship. Is Florida a great country or what?

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