► Florida Bar fronts as enabler for Attorney Misfit Jose Baez Print E-mail
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Florida Bar fronts as enabler for Attorney Misfit Jose Baez

Unfortunately for the good folks of Florida, the Florida Bar is in charge of investigating and disciplining attorney misconduct. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the Bar’s primary purpose is to protect Attorney Misfits running amuck throughout the state.
One such Misfit is of course Jose Baez, the infamous dissembler of the truth who acted as Casey Anthony’s defense attorney.
It cannot be disputed that Baez knowingly put forth false testimony during the Anthony trial. In legal parlance this is called “suborning perjury,” which is a felony. Of course since Attorney Misfits in Florida are held to a lower standard of conduct, Baez absolutely knows he is immune from ever being prosecuted for so acting.
The Bar announced on Feb 27, 2012 that it dismissed two complaints against Jose Baez. The aspiring standup comedians at the Florida Bar punished Baez by gifting him with a complimentary “letter of advice.” According to the Bar, the “letter of advice” reminded Baez that “it’s his responsibility to uphold professional standards.”
In an even more laughable comment in its “letter of advice” to Baez, the State Bar’ said, “The grievance committee … indicated that while Mr. Baez’s conduct did not warrant formal discipline, the committee believed his conduct was not consistent with the high standards of the legal profession.” What “high standards” are these buffoons speaking of?
If the Milwaukee police followed the Florida Bar's example they would have issued the late Jeffrey Dahmer a “letter of advice” reminding him of his responsibility to uphold the high culinary standards when preparing his infamous rump roast.
Floridians are rightfully upset about the non-punishment meted out to Mr. Baez by the Florida Bar. The only way to remedy this continuing enabling conduct is for concerned Floridians to demand that their state legislators pass legislation that no longer allows the Florida Bar to act as the sole arbiter for investigating and meting out discipline to Attorney Misfits.
In fact, the entire process should be handled by non-attorneys. Put simply, one does not need a law license to determine if an attorney in Florida has been naughty or nice.
And finally, for an article dealing with the Bar's ruling that it is acceptable conduct for Florida attorneys to put forth false testimony during trial, see the URL listed below.
Florida Bar rules Casey Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez can introduce false testimony

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