► Attorney L. Morris Glucksman of Stamford, CT; moronic repeater Print E-mail
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Attorney L. Morris Glucksman of Stamford, CT; moronic repeater


The state of Connecticut provided L. Morris Glucksman with a law license in 1974 after he graduated from the University of Bridgeport Law School.


The Statewide Grievance Committee found Morris guilty of the following misconduct.


Morris’ 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree – June 2010


In this instance, Morris was found guilty of engaging in a variety of misconduct.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee punished Morris by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


Morris’ 2nd bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree – June 2010


  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Failed to provide competent representation (Moron)
  • Failed to adequately communicate with client

As a consequence of his misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee punished Morris by gifting him with a second complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. December 2014) Morris practices with the Law Offices of L. Morris Glucksman at 706 Bedford Street in Stamford, Connecticut.


Morris’ 3rd bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree – November 2010


  • Refused to cooperate with successor counsel after he was fired
  • Failed to provide client with accounting re: claims for attorney fees
  • Failed to respond to ethics complaint (Up yours, said Morris!)
  • Filed questionable $200,000 lawsuit for fees v. client
  • During pendency of $200,000 lawsuit, attempted to introduce evidence of client’s psychiatric condition for sole purpose of embarrassing her
  • Acted in a disruptive and belligerent manner during disciplinary hearing
  • Failed to promptly deliver settlement funds to client
  • Never turned over client file to successor counsel after being fired
  • Attempted to collect excessive fees that contradicted terms of written fee agreement
  • Misconduct motivated by greed
  • Intentionally disrupted a tribunal

As a consequence of his misconduct, the Cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee punished Morris by gifting him with a third complimentary reprimand.


Morris’ 4th bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree – December 2010


  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Failed to adequately communicate with client
  • Failed to provide competent representation (Moron)
  • Improperly limited scope of client representation

As a consequence of his misconduct, the Cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee punished Morris by gifting him with another complimentary fourth reprimand.


As we speak (ca. December 2014) Tony practices with the Law Offices of L. Morris Glucksman at 706 Bedford Street in Stamford, Connecticut.


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